Have you thought about how you can add some additional income to your family finances? Tastefully Simple is a great company to work with, and you are in control of how much you earn! A little effort gives you a little extra cash, while the sky is pretty much the limit.
Normally, you just need to invest $170 to get your Business Blast Off Kit (BBOK), but one of the cool things that Tastefully Simple lets you do is use host rewards to offset some or all of this investment. So, if you had a $500 party and earned $65 in host rewards, you could subtract that from the $170 and only have to invest $105. If you had $1200 in sales (or $1100 in sales with 15+ individual orders), you'd have $180 in host rewards, so you could get your BBOK for FREE!
In February, Tastefully Simple is having a special host reward offer that will knock your socks off if you were thinking about becoming a consultant. In February, hosts earn 50% more host rewards than usual! This means that if you have a $500 party in February, you'll earn an additional $32.50 in host rewards, for a total of $97.50.
So what does this mean if you're thinking of becoming a Tastefully Simple consultant? The extra host rewards mean that you could easily offset some or all of the cost of your BBOK. Here's how it works:
- Host a party in February - It could be any kind of party: an in-home tasting party, a catalog party, or even a fundraiser.
- After the party is over, use your host rewards towards your BBOK. You only need $800-$900 in sales in a February party to get your BBOK for free! (Any remaining host rewards can still be used for free products.)
- Start your Tastefully Simple business in March with our brand new Spring Summer catalog! I'll provide you with training and mentoring every step of the way.
- All bookings from your party are yours to keep to get your business moving.
If you have been thinking about Tastefully Simple, but the investment cost has been holding you back, February is an awesome time to host your way to a Tastefully Simple business! If you have any questions, please call me at 978-549-2019 or email me at tastefullysuek@gmail.com.
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